Form 3 Saberstaff Instructor Course
TLDR:Action Required only Rectors who want to enroll candidates to Form 3 Saber Staff Instructor Course in Milano – March 23-31 2024.Cost: €449,00.Due Date for enrollment: January 31st, 2024. Ciao Rettori,Founder Masters provided their availability for running the Form 3 Saberstaff Instructor Course in the dates below. Course start: Saturday 23/03/2024 – 9.00AMCourse end (exams): Sunday 18/02/2024 – 5.00 PMCourse Fee (inclusive of instructor license fee): €449,00 Pre-requisites:Candidates must have completed Course Y as athletes;Candidates must have a L+ active membership; Minimum participants: 6Maximum participants: 12 In case number of requests exceeds the available places, following criteria will be applied, in sequence, to down the number: a) LimitRead More →